Police Brutality

Being a police officer is a dangerous job, whether in Los Angeles or anywhere else in Southern California. There are great demands on police officers, and the position comes with overwhelming responsibilities. Most law enforcement community members serving the city and county of Los Angeles do so with honor and integrity. Still, sadly, some wield their power unethically and use unlawful methods to apprehend suspects and exact a corrupt form of justice. Police brutality happens when members of law enforcement exceed the acceptable bounds of force granted by their authority when encountering suspects. At Kaplan Weiss LLP, our attorneys provide dedicated legal representation for victims who’ve suffered at the hands of overzealous police officers. Suffering brutality at the hands of law enforcement is illegal, and our Los Angeles police brutality attorneys will help you fight to be heard. Your civil rights are important, and if they’ve been violated, our firm will fight for you to seek a positive outcome in your case.

Call Kaplan Weiss today at (213) 553-4550 to schedule a consultation with our team.

When Does Appropriate Force Become Police Brutality?

It can be challenging to distinguish police brutality from the acceptable physical force used to perform the duties and responsibilities of the job. A certain level of force is sanctioned for police officers to pursue a suspect or to subdue and apprehend an assailant. While police officers are given a respectful amount of leeway to do their jobs, they are also required to use their sanctioned force responsibly. For police officers, learning to exercise restraint by using the least amount of necessary force can be a complex boundary to recognize. However, victims of police brutality have a right to bring instances of excessive injury and harm to the state for examination. Police officers who overstep the boundaries of their job do damage to the police force and directly impact the respect and trust the public has for law enforcement.

Police officers are regularly put into situations where they are required to make split-second choices. Questions like, how much force should I use, are instinctually answered. Police officer use of force is outlined in state and federal statutes, and performing their duty in life-and-death situations is not where police brutality typically happens. Police brutality occurs when officers use their profession to harm those they are supposed to serve.

Common Examples of Police Brutality

Police brutality may not happen in mass, but it happens more than it should. Common examples of police brutality are usually seen when officers are attempting to conduct a lawful arrest, and the assailant or suspect resists. Incidents of resisting arrest can lead to undue physical force being applied in the situation.

Other examples of police brutality experienced by Angelenos include:

  • Irregular Taser and Pepper Spray Use: When apprehending a suspect, police officers have several lethal and nonlethal weapons they can use to subdue or restrain a suspect. Police are implored to use the least amount of force needed to meet the task. Both nonlethal and lethal force requires restraint. Irregular use of nonlethal force can still have a lasting impact on the life of a suspect.
  • Suspect Abuse in Custody: Once a police officer has a suspect in custody, they are responsible for how law enforcement interacts with a restrained individual. Officers are required to follow procedures when transporting and interacting with suspects in custody. When police officers abuse suspects in custody, it’s a criminal offense that can lead to job loss and prison time.
  • Civil Rights Violations: If a police officer abuses a suspect based on their race, ethnicity, or other protected immutable characteristic, it’s considered a civil rights violation. Civil rights violations are unacceptable, and we take these illegal criminal offenses seriously.

This is not a complete list of all the forms of police brutality, so if you think you’ve been the victim of abuse at the hands of law enforcement, consult the Los Angeles police brutality lawyers at Kaplan Weiss immediately using our online contact form.

What Can I Do If I’ve Been the Victim of Police Brutality in Los Angeles?

If you’ve been the victim of police brutality in Los Angeles or a neighboring area, you can file a lawsuit against the officer suspected of causing your injuries. You can also bring suit against the police department employing the officer who abused you. If you think your rights have been violated, you should consult with an experienced Los Angeles police brutality attorney today. Your lawyer will review the details of your encounter and help you seek justice for your suffering. Kaplan Weiss can represent you in your suit against abusive members of the law enforcement community and determine how best to approach your case.

Call the Los Angeles Police Brutality Lawyers at Kaplan Weiss Today

Police abuse and misconduct are criminal offenses. While it can be challenging, victims coming forward is the best way to reduce incidents of abuse in the system. Accountability can only begin when victims demand it. The attorneys at Kaplan Weiss will advocate for those who’ve been abused and help them fight for justice. Our firm has many years of experience helping clients fight for their rights in courtrooms across the city and county. Our attorneys are well-versed in California law, and we know the criminal procedures police are required to follow when arresting and interacting with citizens.

Contact the Los Angeles Police Brutality Lawyers at Kaplan Weiss LLP, today to discuss your legal options. Our experienced Los Angeles police brutality legal team will work with you to develop a strategy for your case. Call us now at (213) 553-4550 or use our convenient online contact portal.

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